Biden Visited the Border for Political Reasons Only

Joe Biden is all talk when it comes to the border. He acts like he is concerned for those suffering from illegal immigration.

It’s time for a leader who’s going actually to take responsibility and fight for secure boundaries…

Dem Leaders Still Don’t Care About the Border

Biden visited the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time since taking office. Border Patrol agents and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas accompanied him.

The demo-rat did the following during his visit:

  • He toured a section of the wall that divides the two countries
  • Viewed equipment used to detect illegal drugs
  • Met with Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Gov. Greg Abbott could have been more impressed with Biden’s visit. Our patriot leader accused him of failing to enforce immigration laws.

Abbott said, “You have violated your constitutional obligation to defend the States against invasion… through the faithful execution of federal laws.”

Moreover, Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox that Biden should adopt the zero-tolerance policies pursued by Trump… which included separating children from their migrant parents. He said, “They’ve allowed now a situation where we no longer have a border.”

The Border Patrol union harshly criticized Harris as well. They accuse her of doing nothing to reduce illegal immigration… while in charge of the border crisis.

Biden put Harris in charge shortly after they assumed office in 2021. Since then, illegal crossings have soared to unprecedented levels.

Critics alleged that migrant encampments were cleaned up before his arrival…

Despite Republicans’ newly assumed control over House Representatives in 2022 midterm elections… Congress is unlikely to succeed in reforming America’s creaky immigration system… due to their opposition to proposals from Democrats.

Texas Border Patrol Temporary Processing Facility Nearly Doubles Capacity 

US Customs and Border Protection recently opened a new soft-sided processing facility in El Paso, Texas. This move nearly doubles the number of immigrants it can house at a time.

Since Biden’s visit to the southern border, there are 745 migrants currently being held in custody. Illegal crossings have also plummeted since then.

Right now, Biden is doing nothing but a political show…

The only way the border crises will get fixed is to impeach Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas. Their agenda includes playing the lip service blame game. In the meantime, the unused border wall panels will continue to lay there and rust. The pressure is on, and this is nothing but a farce. Biden is on record encouraging this right before he was elected.

If this administration truly wanted solutions… they should reverse everything Biden did within days of being elected… and allow border security to do its job. 

Under Trump, progress was made, and the border was becoming manageable. It all quickly fell apart with Biden’s changes. 

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